Biryani is a dish that originated in the Indian subcontinent and has since spread to other parts...
Chicken soup is a classic dish that has been around for centuries. It is easy to make...
This is a recipe for chocolate pancakes with no eggs. If you are looking for a pancake...
This is a doughnut that is filled with vanilla custard cream. The types of cream filled donuts...
Hariyali chicken is a popular dish in the Indian subcontinent. It is made by marinating chicken pieces...
This is a simple mutton curry recipe that can be cooked in 20 minutes. It goes well...
The Basket Chaat is a spicy Indian snack. It consists of puffed rice, fried potato slices, and...
Laal Maas is a traditional Punjabi dish, made from a mixture of rice and lentils. This simple...
A popular dish in the Philippines, mango pulihora is a sweet and savory rice dish with mangoes...
A Nawabi Paneer Curry Recipe is a traditional Indian dish that’s perfect for the fall season. It’s...