This is an easy to make and delicious soup made by simmering Sauerkraut in broth for an...
Alma Bax
If you have a sweet tooth and enjoy strawberry cheesecake, then this recipe is for you. It’s...
It’s a good bet you’ve tried Greek yogurt in the form of the traditional soft serve, but...
[DETAILS] When we go to a German Restaurant, we are not only dealing with the food but...
The word Kaiserschmarrn (kuh-ZEY-shmarr-n) just might be the most overused word in the English language. It’s the...
This recipe combines a traditional cheddar ranch chicken bake with a creamy blend of cheddar cheese, ranch...
Veg manchurian is a delicious combination of veggies with Maggi noodles. It is quick to prepare and...
Tacos are a great meal to make, and salsa verde is one of the most popular versions....
Kladdkaka (Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake) is a classic Swedish chocolate cake, which is made with butter, eggs,...
You may have been to one of those restaurants (like Gandhi or Veeraswamy) where you sit at...