I am sure this is a familiar recipe to many people, but I just wanted to share with you. This is our basic lime recipe that we made for years….
Lime is a citrus fruit that has been cultivated and used as food since ancient times. There are about thirty different varieties of lime, and the best known is the Key limes. This variety has thin green skin and is often used for cooking. Lime juice is used to make limeade, a popular non-alcoholic beverage. Lime also has a long and varied history in medicine.
The lime is a citrus fruit used throughout Asia and the Indian subcontinent, usually eaten fresh but also used in cooking. It is also used as a traditional medicine for its sour taste and its purported effects on digestive health.
A Quick Look
Limes are little, glossy green citrus fruits with a tangy flavor and a touch of bitterness. Limes, which are high in vitamin C, were formerly used by sailors to prevent scurvy. Lime juice and zest are often utilized as a flavoring ingredient rather than being eaten whole as a fruit. Lime juice is well-known as a key component in margaritas. Making too many margaritas is linked with additional hazard: margarita burn, in addition to tripping over patio chairs. This ailment, also known as phytodermatitis, arises when the skin is exposed to UV radiation after coming into contact with lime peel or juice, and has resulted in severe second-degree burns in rare instances. So keep your margarita making to a minimum or seek refuge in the shade.
The lime is a citrus fruit that tastes like a lemon but is smaller, brighter green, and has a harsh aftertaste.
Limes are believed to have originated in Southeast Asia and spread to the Middle East, Northern Africa, Southern Europe, the Caribbean, and other hot and humid areas via different crusades and migrations.
Vitamin C-rich lemons and limes were employed by British explorers, merchants, and sailors on lengthy sea journeys in the 19th century to avoid scurvy. The word “limey” was coined as a result of this behavior. Originally a pejorative epithet for British sailors, it is now sarcastically used to anybody of British ancestry.
The Key lime, the Persian / Tahitian / Bearss lime, the Kaffir lime, the sweet lime, and the desert lime are just a few examples of lime types that differ somewhat in appearance and sweetness / sourness. The Key lime and the Persian lime are the most frequent species seen in North American grocery shops and bar rails.
Speaking of bars, the plague of “margarita burn” is a particular employment danger for outdoor bartenders working with limes. Lime chemicals make skin more photosensitive, making it more susceptible to burning. A response known as phytodermatitis may develop when the skin is subjected to UV radiation following contact with lime peel or juice, which has resulted in severe second-degree burns in rare instances.
We hope the freshly squeezed margarita was well worth the effort.
While there are many types of lime, the Key lime and the Persian lime are the most popular in North America.
Persian limes are bigger and somewhat oblong in shape, with a protruding belly button on one end. Key limes, on the other hand, are rounder, more petite, and become yellowish when mature. Key limes have a little tarter and bitterer taste than Persian limes.
All of the kinds have a shiny bright green peel with “pores” on them. The volatile and extremely fragrant essential oils of the fruit are stored in these pores, which are really oil glands. Crescent-shaped segments packed with small juice-filled capsules are placed in a circle underneath the peel. Some limes are seeded, while others are seedless.
Limes have a tart taste that is comparable to that of a lemon. Limes, unlike lemons, are somewhat bitter and have flowery undertones.
In most cases, just the juice and zest of limes are consumed rather than the whole fruit.
Nutritional Information
One ounce of lime juice (about 30g) has 8 calories, 0.1 gram of protein, 2.6 gram of carbs, 0.1 gram of fiber, 0.5 gram of sugar, and no discernible fat. Vitamin C may be found in abundance in limes.
Fresh limes may be found in almost all grocery shops and produce markets.
Choose limes that are hefty for their size and have a finely textured skin to get a decent amount of juice. A ripe lime will be brilliant green, or slightly yellow in the case of Key limes. Wrinkling, soft or firm spots, and wrinkling are all indications of an excessively ripe lime.
If you intend to zest the rind of a non-organic lime, wash it well with food-safe soap or a specialist fruit and vegetable wash, since non-organic limes are likely treated with pesticides and herbicides and may be coated with a thin wax (used to preserve limes from damage during transportation).
Organic limes, on the other hand, are free of these coatings but may need to be cleaned to minimize germs found while handling.
Limes may be kept for approximately a week at room temperature, away from direct sunlight. Limes may be kept in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
Lime juice and zest may be kept in the freezer for up to six months in sealed containers.
Lime juice and zest are the most often eaten parts of the lime.
To juice a lime, first roll it beneath your hand over a hard surface to break up some of the juice capsules within, then slice it in half using a sharp knife. Squeeze the lime over a bowl with a loosely cupped (clean) palm. Your palm will serve as a coarse sieve, collecting the seeds while allowing the juice to drop into the bowl.
Note: Citrus fruits generate more juice while they are warm, so don’t chill limes you’re going to juice. Although some people recommend microwaving a lime to get the most juice out of it, doing so destroys most of the vitamin C it contains.
Use a fine grater or a microplane to zest the lime. Make care to wash the peel first, then grate the fruit’s colored surface. Because the white pith underneath the green rind is flavorless, concentrate on zesting the green rind.
The vibrant, zingy taste of key lime pie pervades this silky smooth smoothie. The avocado provides a rich, creamy foundation, while the lime, honey, and vanilla provide sweetness and tang.
avocado 1 lime, freshly squeezed 1 vanilla protein powder (big) 2 tsp sea salt sprinkle of ice cubes 1 scoop vanilla extract 4 gallons a quarter cup
Time to prepare: 5 minutes Time to cook: 0 minutes Serving Size: 1
To make the avocado flesh, split the avocado in half, remove the seed, and scoop the avocado meat into the bowl of your high-powered blender or food processor.
After that, squeeze the lime and add it to the blender / food processor. Blend in the remaining ingredients until smooth. Serve right away.
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Foods That Are Related
The popularity of lime juice has increased drastically in the last decade. This is due to its many health benefits and versatility. Lime juice is used as a natural remedy. It is due to this fact that lime juice is being consumed to treat various ailments. The health benefits of lime juice include promoting good digestion, preventing damage to the teeth, and preventing heartburn. It is also known to prevent the growth of cancer cells.. Read more about whole lime recipes and let us know what you think.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you use excess limes?
You can use them to make lemonade, or you can give them away.
Why is lime bad for you?
Lime is bad for you because it has a high acidity level and can cause stomach discomfort.
What can I do with leftover lemons and limes?
You can make lemonade, limeade, or a simple syrup.
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